The Costs of War, Louie Palu

Thursday, June 2nd, 18.15 – 19.00, at Società Letteraria
Special Guest Lecture 1: "The Costs of War", Louie Palu, photographer

For over a century photography has been the non-violent means that has continuously documented, exposed and examined the horror and violence of war. From as early as the American Civil War and the Crimea to the counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan, photography has shared a parallel relationship to the history of this violence as a means of recording events. Photography interestingly uses similar terms to war such as “shoot” and now in the digital format it “captures” the image.

The current war in Afghanistan has become the longest running war the United States and Canada have ever participated in. It is also one of the many times the UK has ventured into this war-ravaged region. For the past five years I have covered the front lines based mainly from Kandahar, the birthplace of the country, the current heartland of the insurgency and the base from which the attacks of 9/11 were organized. From here I have witnessed and documented some of the most extreme acts of violence and the resulting casualties of war.

Sometimes the true meaning of something can only be understood by looking at it’s opposite. This presentation of images and audio will be exactly that, a first hand view of what war really costs.